I thought I would
work with the grid like structures within the rabbits scull, it could be called
lacy but at the moment I am focusing on the layers and looking through aspect.
I have
started by making a collage out of ripped magazine paper and working into it, I
also did some charcoal drawing, encouraged by a recent episode from Design
Matters, and then worked into that.
I am
pleased with the photos I get by using the ipad and the quick way in which the
images can be played with and manipulated. I know I can do the same thing on
the computer but this is easier and less frustrating. O.K. I just like playing
with my new toy. I like the app called Snapseed and have
also discovered Adobe Ideas via a Flickr group. Please let me know of any apps
which you are using and I will check them out. I like ‘Ideas’
because you can use layers, work over a photo and then discard it.
I am sure
this will be ‘old hat’ to many of you and gobbledegook to the rest of you. But
bear with me while I have fun.