Thursday, October 20, 2011

FreeMotion Graffiti

There are a number of good reasons to stop by Alisa Burke’s blog at the moment; one is to congratulate her on the birth of her baby girl and to' oooogh and ah’ over the photos of the new baby. The other is to take a look at her new class Free Motion Graffiti. I was tempted and joined recently. I have been free machining for a long time, in fact back to the days when I had to take apart my old Singer to disengage the feed dogs – the machine itself was so heavy that my husband had to lift it onto the table for me. I think of free machining as a skill that takes some time to master, yet I have recently seen people new to it sit at an up-to-date Bernina and get going straight away with not one broken needle. Life moves on.

Anyway, back to the class. It is not expensive and frees up ones approach, and is fun to take part in. First of all I went back to Alisa’s DVD which I downloaded from Quilting Arts quite a time ago, and painted some fabrics ready to cut up.

These are some bits and pieces from the small throw I am making. I am also using both string and Quick Print blocks to show the different type of marks  they make, as a group I am teaching are in the process of making various types of simple printing blocks at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. I got that dvd too, before I'd whooped fme! Following a stamped/printed image or marks gives a way of gaining a little control when you're new to it I found so thanks for the thought to revisit the dvd with crazy stitching in mind ;)This is lovely stitching here.


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