Friday, October 28, 2011

'Crop Exhibition'

‘Crop’: An Exhibition of Experimental Artists’ Books

Avenue Campus reception and gallery corridor

The University of Northampton 31 October—16 December 2011 Open daily 10am-4pm

Opening Event: Tuesday 1 November 5-8pm

This is the seventh annual exhibition of experimental altered artists’ books, curated by Dr. Emma Powell (de Montfort University) and Melanie Bush (The University of Northampton). Work by international book artists will be on display alongside students from both institutions. For more details see the ‘We Love Your Books’ web site.

I'm pleased to say that my 'crop' book is amongst one of the 50 books chosen from the online exhibition to go on show at the above venue. I am hoping that there will be a catalogue as I have no chance of going to see the exhibition this year.


  1. oh well done, I will go to see it..

  2. thats cool ..congratulations ..x

  3. Awesome! Can you tell me more about the content of this show? Is it all agriculture?
    sewing in Saskatoon


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