Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Summer Giveaway.

It is time for a summer giveaway. I promise it will not be one or even two of my old tin cans, despite them being part of a valuable collection.

To be in to win one of two prizes you will need to:
1. Leave a comment on this post.

2. Join the Followers List if you are not already on it.

I will make the draw, which will be random, at the end of August.
If you have trouble with Bloggers’ vagaries re commenting you need to sign in and untick the ‘stayed signed in box’, which will then take you back to the comment box.

Again my annual grouch, if you are kind enough to like my images so much that you wish to download them, it would be nice to comment and say ‘hello’. I know these remarks make no difference, because I am regularly aware of downloaded images, without the recipient bothering to comment.  I suppose I should just be flattered.

I want to recommend a book by Julia Manheim called ‘Sustainable Jewellery’ published by A&C Black, London. It was a random find in my local library and is all about jewellery made from ‘found’ materials, including old cans. There are some fascinating images in it and  it is well worth a look.If you follow the link it will take you to the book on Amazon, where you are able to have a look inside.


  1. I can't believe people download images without even bothering to comment!! It makes you wonder what they do with them!
    Anyway please count me in for your non tin can giveaway!!

  2. Hi Jackie, may I be very cheeky and put my name in the hat. I have been a follower here and on your flickr for a long time but have been very remiss in my blog reading of late

    If you consider I'm outrageously naughty then please just accept my huge thanks for posting on flickr those pictures of the blackbird having a bath. They have cheered me up no end. I have a cold at the moment and I'm sitting in my dressing gown hugging a hot water bottle and feeling very sorry for myself :o(

    Lots of love

  3. I love books and will check the library.

  4. Im a follower so please drop my name in the hat ......... and maybe keep an eye on my blog cos Im having a Giveaway too!
    I like your blog very much but that blessed spider never fails to surprise me and make me jump! lol

  5. Oh count me in. Did you know the Brewary Arts in cirenecester is looking for objects for the christmas season. Maybe one of your books or prints? might be saleable.

  6. I am a follower, but sadly, like many who read my blog I dont often comment. perhaps I am following too many blogs! Summer give away sounds lovely especially as it hasnt got over 10 degrees C all day here in South Oz.

  7. Some funky stuff in that book - I loved the balsawood necklace and the sunglasses mended with a safety pin - just like mine!! I'd love to enter your giveaway - been a follower for yonks, but often too shy to comment ....

  8. Hi, please do count me in! I will, if not already, become a follower. I already 'follow' you as I read you, most days!

  9. Please feel free to break the promise of no tin cans if my name is drawn out of the hat! Blog, followed. Hope that you're having a lovely summer.

  10. Just been looking at your felt postings - fabulous! Love the bathing bird too.

  11. I'm impressed with your latest sketchbook additions, the abstractions from the fields. In Maine we have endless lines of elephantine round bales. Thank you, I will add your blog to my dashboard! T As others have commented, the bathing bird is awesome!

  12. Please do include me. The blackbird in the last post was wonderful.

  13. LOVELY giveaway!
    Already had you on my Google Reader list, but now following on the Friend widget.

  14. l have been a follower for can't remember how long but AGES....so feel a bit cheeky puitting my name down to win your giveaway!xx Love this work and also love your tins!xxxlynda

  15. Love your work Jackie, it's so vibrant and contemporary. Would love to be entered in your draw, must go and work out how to become a follower!

  16. interesting... love your site &ideas
    now a follower

  17. I comment far too much, my DH calls it burbling! Cheeky ;) I follow too & wouldn't be adverse to a bit of a tin can! I'm off to follow that book link now.

  18. Please include me in the chance to win your mystery give away. Your work is inspiring. Thank you.

  19. Love to be in your pot. Hugs Mrs A.

  20. would love to be in your giveaway.....I would be happy to be considered for one of your cans too !!! ....I love squashed cans .....xx

  21. I would love to be in the pot as well for the giveaway. I am really enjoying your sketchbook work. I will check to see if I am a follower .

  22. Still trying to work out what being a follower actually means, but since I'm a regular visitor (and an occasional commenter, tho not a freeloading downloader) I have now become an Official Fan. Thank you Jackie - always a pleasure and an education to read your blog!

  23. would love to win!your work is awesome!

  24. Oh yes, Jackie, count me in on this. Your work is SO inspiring!

  25. Aah Jackie, thought I joined these eager persons long ago, but ...it turned out I didn't ?!? But now I have!

  26. Can't resist your beautiful piece! Never done a google follower before, so I'll try to figure that out.

  27. Hi Jackie,
    Thank you for the seemingly endless inspiration. Always fun to see where your imagination has taken you post to post.

    Regarding folks downloading pics; I see the same thing happening and have wondered if folks are instead coming and clicking on my pics to enlarge them and that looks the same as a download? The thought keeps me from being so irked about it.

    Hope the workshop is wonderful,

  28. What fun! Count me in and have fun at West Dean!

  29. Please count me in, I would love a chance to win a piece of your art.

  30. Not been a follower for long and just now found out about your give away. After seeing the art you post i would be honored to own a piece.
    In other words if it is not to late to enter, please put my name up for the drawing? Thanks so much for sharing and your generosity .


Comments are always much appreciated. Thank you.