Monday, July 18, 2011


We spent a recent long weekend in North Wales centred on Lake Bala for the long distance swimming and boating which I took no part in, despite encouragement to have a go. I did take lots of photos of the beautiful scenery; we were in a house high up overlooking the lake and hills.

I used one of my photos for the sketchbook challenge, July’s theme being ‘Elements’ and I sort of stretched the idea for Earth to use the shapes in the distant fields.

‘Design Matters’ TV has had a recent episode showing how to use water soluble pencils and then InkTense crayons on fabric. I having been using these for some time and my book for ‘We Love Your Books’ made use of them but one useful tips was to iron the fabric onto freezer paper first in order to make it easier to work on the surface.

Drawn with ink, crayoned,' activated' with fabric medium, machine and hand stitched.

Still lots of time to join the Summer Giveaway mentioned in the previous post.To be clear you need to comment on the Giveaway Post to be in the draw.

The cucumber ‘paper’, despite some good tips and advice, was a disaster. We have lots of home grown cucumbers so if we get a glut I may have another go.


  1. Brilliant. I love the way you've translated the photograph into a stitched piece. I recently subscribed to DesignMatters TV and will look for the video you mention.

  2. Beautiful landscape and I love the way that you have captured it.

  3. Thanks for the methodolgy there. I woke up at lake Bala the morning after my 21st birthday!
    Longs story and wont bore you but thanks for the memory!!
    I like what youve done here very much.

  4. Ooh, I've got some inktense pencils; I had no idea you could use them on fabric so thanks for that! Lovely landscape you've stitched here too.


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