Sunday, May 24, 2009

Wax Resist

This is a small piece using the original images from the Mayan Glyphs with wax resist. I like the colours and worked bullion knots just because I fancied doing some for the great texture.

I had forgotten how to work these, one of my favourite stitches. I knew there was an easier more successful technique and eventually remembered that I had learned it from Tracy Franklin’s book ‘Contemporary Whitework’; a book which I don’t own but have borrowed from the local library. I had to order it and this time plan to copy the instructions as I am sure to forget by the time I want to work them again.

Most of the machine embroidery was done after the hand stitching.
I used perle thread and some hand dyed cotton thread and quite a large needle with a big eye (don’t know the technical name,probably crewel).


  1. hi1 Love the colors and composition.
    Never tried this stitch..but now have
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Fibrefrolics11:45 PM

    Love your work! Great colour combinations ant stitched texture.

  3. Very lovely combination of colours you are using here and very interesting stitches

  4. These are gorgeous. Did you do the batiking yourself or did you buy the fabric with a batik pattern? (Or did you already explain it and I didn't read carefully....which I often do.) jan

  5. You have inspired me to pull out the needle and floss.

    For the wax resist, did you use a tool like you use for batik?



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