Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I am just starting to try and follow through some ideas from my sketchbook course. I like the idea of working on images squashed into small spaces like the Mayan Glyphs which were forms of writing and which I photographed in the British Museum.

I‘ve been a bit distracted from the theme, as usual, but I have been consistently working on an artists’ book for the Closure theme organized by We love Your Books. More about that later; I’m waiting to find out if it is accepted for the exhibition.
I have had great fun with these photographs using some of the faux techniques, such as ‘toy camera’ and ‘Polaroid’ which I linked to in my last post. I recently bought a very old Polaroid camera, but have since realized that the film is no longer manufactured; so I’ll stick to the faux version.


  1. From the little icon that appeared on my blog update I thought your first photo resembled the ancient stone goddess of Willendorf. Black and white it really resembled ancient stones....

  2. The black nd white piece is great. Its really interesting to see how your photography is developing(!)

  3. The idea of squashing images into small spaces sounds very interesting - I can imagine this adding a lot of focus to a piece, and one has a border solution right from the beginning...
    PS. Thank you for your comment on my neutral + shadow...


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