Monday, May 04, 2009

Embroidered buttons

So what else can you do on a Bank Holiday Monday? Make some bread,done that; do some cleaning, don't think so; why not make some buttons,I've been fancying that for some time, for no apparent reason.
The colours were determined by the May button swap and the French Knots by the fact that I am practising for the next workshop.The fabric is a nice piece of linen which I found in a Charity Shop. Took me ages to remember how to set a pattern on my old embroidery unit, but its all good for the grey matter.


  1. Gorgeous buttons - what a wonderful way to spend your time. Love the French Knots on the printed fabric too.

  2. I can't see any better pastime for a bank holidya than messing around with buttons!

  3. "do some cleaning, don't think so"... snort... love that!

    So when you say embroidery unit do you mean the hoop? Or is the base flower machine embroidered? (I know the knots are by hand)

  4. Very cute indeed.


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