Wednesday, April 29, 2009

French Knots

The next workshop at Doodles, Tadley (0118 981 1238) will be on the 13th May. We will be making marks on fabric with bubblewrap and then stitching using variations on the French Knot.


  1. Hello there, love this idea. Bubble wrap can be very interesting to print with. I love using it too! Will you post the progress in this piece..please? I have for now not found that many people that actually use it...Thanks for sharing and inspiring!

  2. Looks gorgeous - wish I lived nearer so I could join you! Perhaps, I will have a go at this some time at home!

  3. Hi I found your work when i googled for silk carrier rods, and i have been lost for the last two hours enjoying looking at your work. I can't remember now why i was looking for the silk rods. I have to say your work is very inspiring and i am really interested in the course you are doing. I have finished C&G and started the level 4 course but it collapased through lack of funding. I am very envious of the course you are doing, i wish you luck and i will be folowing your blog. Thanks for sharing your work. Regards Chris Evans

  4. Thanks for your comments. Sorry I can't get back to Chris. These are short taster workshops that I am organizing at a craft shop near Basingstoke, Hampshire UK.


Comments are always much appreciated. Thank you.