Wednesday, April 29, 2009

French Knots

The next workshop at Doodles, Tadley (0118 981 1238) will be on the 13th May. We will be making marks on fabric with bubblewrap and then stitching using variations on the French Knot.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

veins and hearts exposed

Pleased to have been included in this lovely Mosaic.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Book Binding

At last I think that I have understood Coptic Bind, this has taken some time ,not through lack of studying Keith Smith’s intricate and sometimes confusing diagrams – his books are fascinating but I think it is one of those things that is hard to explain other than by hands on teaching.
The break through came when I decided I was so dissatisfied with my last attempt that I took it out and redid it twice – practise definitely makes better if not perfect.I added a paper spine which I think makes the book handle better, without the gap between pages.
I also used a lot of beeswax on my thread which helps. Now I can go on to try one of the eight or so versions he has of this bind, or perhaps I’ll just stick to the basics. Even if it isn’t perfect I can now say that I understand what I am doing.

If you are interested in a custom made sewing cradle, so useful, you can contact DBO on Flickr; see my links list.

'As Fernando fled his right hand laid hold upon the long flowing robes of his opponent'.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Cross Stitch

Wednesday 22nd April is the date for the next Doodles textile workshop. We are going to play with basic cross stitch and see how the stitch can be varied with different weights and types of thread.Adding beads and wrapping the stitch.
I searched through my files to find examples of how cross stitch can be used, for instance working on waste canvas on top of non-even weave material and withdrawing the threads after working. These are some examples. I made a whole bag once following Palestinian symbols and colour scheme but I don’t have it anymore; shame it would have made a good sample.
Another idea is to use even weave on top of a coloured or stamped background. Here I used a piece of blue tack to make the marks.

Some other examples were stitched after looking at European embroidery and using grids; my current banner is one of the pieces. Some examples make me feel I could do better now, which is a good thing, whilst others amaze me at what patience I had at the time.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Buttons and more.

I am just beginning to realize that there is a lot more that can be done with monoprinting than I have tried before. I thought it was wonderful using a press with monoprinting and found what I could do at home a bit second best, but after using it at City Lit for sketch book work and in my drawing class I am inspired to have another go.
My sketch book theme relates to Mexican art which I saw on a group sketching trip at The British Museum.Recently I was lucky enough to acquire a box of all white buttons, some of them quite old, so I have worked on combining the two themes.I have also used some paper which I made and pages from old books.
There are numerous groups on Flickr related to buttons of all types and descriptions. I can’t work out what the fascination is other than nostalgia as most of us probably had a family button box when growing up; ours was a red oxo tin.