Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Book Binding

At last I think that I have understood Coptic Bind, this has taken some time ,not through lack of studying Keith Smith’s intricate and sometimes confusing diagrams – his books are fascinating but I think it is one of those things that is hard to explain other than by hands on teaching.
The break through came when I decided I was so dissatisfied with my last attempt that I took it out and redid it twice – practise definitely makes better if not perfect.I added a paper spine which I think makes the book handle better, without the gap between pages.
I also used a lot of beeswax on my thread which helps. Now I can go on to try one of the eight or so versions he has of this bind, or perhaps I’ll just stick to the basics. Even if it isn’t perfect I can now say that I understand what I am doing.

If you are interested in a custom made sewing cradle, so useful, you can contact DBO on Flickr; see my links list.

'As Fernando fled his right hand laid hold upon the long flowing robes of his opponent'.


  1. I love handbound books and always fall in love again when I come across another beautiful example such as yours. I have been hanging on to a few volumes that are falling apart in hopes of rebinding them someday myself. I'm glad to know that practice makes perfect so I won't give up the first time!

  2. I love hand made books too. What are you going to use this one for? An altered book or art journal?


  3. I am impressed you were able to do coptic without actual instruction, it seems impossible to be able to describe without actions!


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