Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Farewell for now.

I always feel disappointed when I go to look at someone’s work on a blog and I find that they seemed to have disappeared over a year ago with no message, I wonder for their health etc. knowing really that they are probably just busy with other things or simply bored. That is why I wanted to tell any of you reading this that there will now be a ‘hiatus’ on this blog until I get back into the spirit or just can’t resist taking up the digital pen again.


  1. I just recently found your blog and am sorry to see you go, but I'll use this as an opportunity to explore your archives. Fare you well, and know that your return will be appreciated.

  2. Thanks for sharing all your work and ideas till now! I hope we will meet again.

  3. Oh my Jackie, that's sad !!!
    I can imagine though that there are times that you think of doing other things than writing on the net .... but I will surely miss you ;-)
    Hope to see you again someday ! For now I wish you all the best for a healthy, happy, creative and colourful year 2016 !
    (and THANKS !)

  4. Have a good break and come back refreshed!

  5. Whatever you do in the meantime, Jackie, I wish you the best and hope you enjoy your life. Breaks are good. Have a wonderful year.

  6. One of the good things about subscribing to your blog is that I'll know as soon as your haitus is over and of course I can continue to be inspired by your images on flickriver.com I do appreciate that you have let your followers know. May the year bring you enough of what you need to be creative and happy.

  7. May your break bring you the peace and replenishment you seek. Looking forward to your posts in the future!

  8. a fallow period can be a good thing--you'll grow new things, inside and out, when you're ready

  9. Jackie, I appreciate you letting us know of your pending absence. I used to follow so many blogs. Many, if not most, are 'retired' now, with no communication about why. Enjoy your time off. I will be sad if you don't return but do understand. All the best for a blessed year.

  10. Thank you so much for all the supportive comments. It hit me quite hard after I made the post,but I know it was necessary. This is a stage of giving up in so many areas at the moment,but I hope it will open up a new phase.

  11. Thank you, Jackie, for letting us know of your hiatus and I hope you will come back with a bang. Enjoy the break.

  12. I hope you find lots of inspiration and satisfaction wherever 2016 takes you. I'll still be looking in if/when you get tempted back to blogging.Look after yourself x

  13. Look forward to your return when it feels right

  14. I have to admit I am guilty of this and usually it's because other things have had to take priority. Usually I arrive back at blogger full of ideas and enthusiasm so I hope your break does the same for you. x

  15. I don't usually comment but I do like to look at what you've been up to. Hope you have a good break but I look forward to seeing your work again soon

  16. Thank you all. Your comments are really appreciated.

  17. I get that. I do. I am trying so hard to keep my blog going but life just gets in the way sometimes. I have found that Instagram fits the bill nicely. One picture is worth a thousand words or so they say! Keep working. That is all.

  18. Sorry to lose you. After your blog about Jen Hewett I found her blog and took her online block printing course and haven't stopped printing since! You have inspired and opened my eyes

  19. Sorry to lose you. You have inspired me over the last year to widen my ideas. You introduced me tp Jen Hewett's printing and I took her course and haven't stopped printing. Good luck in your next phase. Hope to hear from you in the future.

  20. A break is as good as a rest - hoping for a speedy return of your spirit but meanwhile there is a huge amount of wonderful things to read about on your blog. Enjoy what you do.

  21. Thank you all so much,your comments mean a lot to me.

  22. Dear Jackie, i hope you are doing well and this hiatus is just a creative retreat.Looking forward to seeing you here on the blog again.I discovered you back in the Sketchbook challenge days and have enjoyed every post since then.Greetings from Turkey, İzmir :)


Comments are always much appreciated. Thank you.