Saturday, October 31, 2015

Sorting through.

I have been trying to have a grand sort out in my little room/studio; I would like to say it is of my life but it is really only of all the scraps, papers, found and given bits and pieces which have accumulated over at least the last nine years. It has been hard to part with some of the bags of tissue, cardboard, and bubble wrap, but I am pleased to say that much of the ‘haberdashery’ and painted paper has found a home. I could still make my way through all the sketchbooks and course work gathered over the years, but this may have to wait for the next round of energy.

I gathered some fabrics from my scrap basket and am thinking of putting them together into some kind of patchwork, rather like Spirit Cloth’s nine patch project.

 Every piece of coloured paper and fabric holds some memory so one has to be a bit ruthless in all this.


  1. Encouraging! I am also trying to throw away some (lots) of wrappings, paper, bits and pieces, drid flowers etc.! So your blog will help me a bit.

  2. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I look forward to seeing your next post--what you do with those scraps. I, too, like Jude Hill's work--and of course yours!


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