Thursday, April 26, 2018

Oranges and Black Birds

I took an image from the front of a sketchbook into Photoshop and then printed it out in black and white onto TAP. Fortunately I have some Artists' Transfer Paper put aside, as I understand that it is now out of production. What a shame that is, if anyone knows of a good replacement I would be pleased to know about it.
I patched and pieced a background and then transferred the images. Silly me as I have just had a big tidy up and given away lots of scraps of dyed and printed fabric.

 Added another piece of silk and then machined in some leaves and flowers to bring the pieces together.

I took a photo on the ipad and in Procreate drew in some orange circles to see where they would look best.  
 Deciding on the thread colours prior to hand stitching. I had forgotten how much I enjoy looking at the tread colours at this stage.
 Added the lace and machine stitched it in place. Could be better with three pieces of lace, but just could not fit them into the design.

I could see this bound with a slate grey silk, but frustrated by the limited choice of fabric locally I saw the piece I had been using as an ironing cloth, just the right orange. I had forgotten how to make a binding so good old You Tube provided the reminder.

This is quite small, about 12x12 inches, but I enjoyed making it, and it was good to get out the sewing machine. I had almost, almost, forgotten how to use it! Click for a better view.


  1. Always great to see the process !
    (hmmmm clever to make a picture and "draw" some more scribbles ...)
    The TAP is more easy than using stamps : you never are quite sure you get a good print (as I discovered many a time to my chagrin ...)

  2. Wonderful work. I like it very much. Didn't know that TAP is out of production.

  3. Thank you. I didn’t know until I googled it.


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