Friday, July 01, 2016

Here comes the summer, probably when it stops raining; here is a short up date of my crafting life over the last few weeks. No stitching as you see, although I post on Instagram under ‘Stitchworks-jackie’, I have mainly been following ‘Skill Share’ classes and working with my beach combing finds.

We will not be back in Dorset until the end of September, so plenty of time to look through my collection of sea glass, pottery, etc. I am still slightly in awe of the dremel and hate to think of someone using it on my teeth, it apparently being the dentists’ tool of choice. I keep working on getting used to drilling sea glass because I so like the result which will enable me to plan the piece of jewellery.

 I am very much a beginner, but I think I am improving, thanks to lots of You Tube videos. I also tried some looping over drift wood and stones, definitely easier than crochet.

On Skill Share I have followed a few lettering workshops and finally found one which teaches the basic shapes of the letters for modern calligraphy. I also followed a watercolour portrait class, which is about drawing fun caricature like faces.

 I will be visiting the last Art in Action this month, how sad that it has to come to an end, particularly as this year the emphasis is even more on artists demonstrating their skills.


  1. Oh yes Jackie, bad wet summer here too :-(

    Love the "catching" things in loops !
    (stitching in thin air ...)

  2. Thanks Els, and thanks for visiting.

  3. Just discovered your blog. Some fascinating work. Thanks for posting. I'll keep following it.


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