Thursday, November 12, 2015

Getting inky.

I am enjoying classes on Skill Share; this one is Inky Illustrations: Combining Analogue and Digital Media. I must be learning something along the way. At this point I just enjoy getting a result. If you sign in you are likely to be offered a really inexpensive membership for  three months. I have made such good use of it that I decided to sign up for the year as I feel I have already had more than my monies'worth.


  1. I have too have been using Skillshare. Like you I extended membership, there is so much to learn. Not seen the one you are doing so will take a look, as it looks interesting.

  2. Love your ink work but my favorite are your monoprinted 9 patches - delicious - I too suffer from every piece I come aross haveing a fond memory attached. The booklets are great, too.


Comments are always much appreciated. Thank you.