Monday, February 02, 2015

Block Printing

I had an interesting weekend following along with Jen Hewett’sBlock Printing e-course. A little frustrating as although the course started at 9am Saturday on the west coast of America I had to wait until 5pm for the videos to go on line here, which in reality meant that I had to catch up with the videos and Facebook posts on Sunday. There was a lot of enthusiasm with people sharing their work as they followed along with the course in real time.

 I learned a good deal and had a lot of fun. Some of the work was almost professional already, but we were of all levels so that was OK.

 Will I ever have the patience to do a proper measured repeat without ‘eyeballing’ it, I wonder. 


  1. Measured repeats ... the patience to do those poses problems for me too. Still, it sounds like an interesting course - Thank you, I will follow it up.

  2. Had a quick look at the link above and the course did sound interesting with the February class already closed. I like those two colours you have used for your repeat design. I signed up to doing a monthly patchwork block swap. We each get to choose the colours we want our blocks made up in but the person making your block decides on the materials and design. My first block went off to Australia where my partner wanted tropical colours and parrots. Febs block is much more my thing in pastel colours. hugs Mrs A.

  3. ....gasp! I love this!

    1. It was certainly fun taking part.

  4. Love the stamps . . . and a real time online class sounds like fun. For me it would start 6 a.m. the following day which is a little better I guess.

    And thanks for the link to Jen's website.

  5. What a lovely thing to join in with!! I bet you'll be having some fun with all those blocks :-)

    x C

  6. Hello from Turkey. I have been following your blog and your beautiful work since some time. Having seen your posts i was trying acrylics on fabric. (I am just playing at the moment) And I learned about Jen Hewett thanks to you. I hope to join Jen's next course if i can get in :)


Comments are always much appreciated. Thank you.