Saturday, December 06, 2014

Sketchbook Challenge

Unfortunately the time has come to roll up the Sketchbook Challenge Blog, since its start in  2011 I have been a contributor to the themes set each week and have added photos to the Flickr blog, more recently I was invited to contribute to the Challenge and had to come up with my own theme ‘words’ this year. Most excitingly I was asked by Sue Bleiweiss to contribute my chapter to the Sketchbook Challenge Book and chose Rhythm from the topics on offer; many thanks to Sue for coming up with the main idea, which I am sure has given pleasure to a lot of people, and especially to her for sharing her own excitement and satisfaction as the book came together.

Above is my first contribution to the theme Highly Prized in 2011. If you want to see the tutorial that went with this post it is Here. This is not the last chance to see the work on the main blog as I understand that it will stay up indefinitely.

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Comments are always much appreciated. Thank you.