Sunday, March 30, 2014


In the week I had a very necessary tidy up and threw out, with regret, lots of useful wrapping paper, packaging etc.I found a few pieces left over from when I used to have a craft stall, I gave most of the items away when I decided the fun had completely gone out of it. I came across a small hanging made years ago, when I was obviously well into three dimensional paint;

 I suddenly had the brainwave to make it into a cushion cover, and then started to think of a backing, not necessary as it had a perfectly good backing already, which I simply opened up, cut off the hangers and stuffed with the filling from an old washed pillow. They always get lumpy when washed so I keep at least one to use as cushion filling.

I currently have three excellent books taken out from Hampshire libraries; so good that I am reluctant to take them back but it will have to be done.

 I recommend all three as a good read and inspirational. I hope you have a well-stocked library too.


  1. What a great idea for repurposing art quilts! If only I needed more throw cushions on my little sofa.

  2. An excellent piece of recycling and lucky you to have such a 'craft' (not the right word but no other really) library

  3. I love your repurposed cushion, gorgeous colours. I need to have a thorough clear out too. I will have a closer look at those books, one of our local libraries has a good selection of interesting books like those.

  4. I know the first two books well, and especially like Gwen Hedley which I often turn to when I thinking up ideas and working on my sketchbooks. Practical Basketry is new to me ... I may just have to search it out ...!


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