Sunday, February 02, 2014

Rust and Flowers

Recently I went through my favourites list of blogs, and looked at some that I had neglected for a time; I found Leah Day's ‘Earth Flower’ motif and as usual impressed by her skill I had to have a go. The idea sort of hung around for a while and then I saw a piece of rusted fabric hanging on the ‘line’ in my room and thought nothing would be lost by quilting the motif onto it.

Before adding hand stitching and more details.

 I got quite hooked and actually have found more pleasure in working on this little piece than I have done for a while.

 I am going to seed stitch all around the motifs and then make it into a front for a cushion using an off cream silk dupion.


  1. This is just beautiful, love the colours the stitching, everything.

  2. The fabric is wonderful but your stitch designs add so much to it. Thanks for sharing the pictures of the progression of the piece. I really like this piece.

  3. Gorgeous! Love this!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you all for the comments and encouragement, they really are much appreciated.

  5. Such lovely muted colours, I can see why you were so tempted to stitch. The 'eye' in the first piece is haunting!

  6. Stunning work, please post more pictures if you do decide to use it for a statement cushion!

  7. Oooo this is nice Jackie!


Comments are always much appreciated. Thank you.