Monday, October 07, 2013

A Walk in the Country

The theme on the Sketchbook Challenge Blog this month is animal companions, as we don’t have pets, other than tropical fish, I have focused on a photograph of a rabbit which I took recently, the poor thing had been partly eaten by predators, not such an unusual sight if you take a walk in the country.

 I drew in my sketchbook from the photograph and then used TAP to transfer both the image and those I had manipulated on the ipad onto fabric.

The straight forward stitched pieced using Bokhara Couching worked more successfully, whereas the other piece became more experimental.

 I machine stitched the outline of the two rabbits and then had the idea of cutting them out and placing them on quilt wadding prior to embellishing with wool and muslin. The piece was really distorted so I backed it with acrylic felt before further embellishing, free machining and adding hand stitch.

 To retrieve what was becoming a failed experiment I then took the scissors to the back, slashed into the rabbit areas and stuffed them Trapunto style with wool tops. Makes me exhausted just writing it down. 
So it looks as if I am gradually being taken over by rabbits, for anyone who knows the comedy 'Father Ted' it reminds me of the episode where the same thing happens.


  1. what a great piece! ...almost eaten up by predators and yet, so beautiful. seems to me that your process of duplicating the original rabbit is a faithful recounting of the afterlife of this animal

  2. What a fabulous piece, in the end. But poor bubie...

  3. What a very interesting insight into your creative process Jackie. I loved the original drawing, I am curious to know how you choose the colours for that and why you ended up doing two rabbits? Nature always provides us with our inspiration. Love the finished piece, the Trapunto style stuffing just finished it off beautifully x

  4. Thanks Erica. Sorry I can't get back to you.

  5. These are lovely. I really like how the stitching resembles bones and the skeleton. Don't know how I missed them when you first posted.

  6. Intriguing interpretation, the eyes give back life to the stitched skeleton, emphasized by a hare's dance.


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