Tuesday, July 02, 2013

What on the table?

This is a sort of what’s on my work table post; really my mind is on my holiday which happens shortly. I saw this post about weaving patches, lovely colours and a fun little project. I had one go at weaving on a full size loom on my course, but I knew it would never have been for me, despite the fact that I enjoyed the process I would never have been patient enough to thread up the loom.

 I really like some of the experimental off the loom images which I have seen on Flickr and the weaving experiments of Alice Fox. I wondered how small patches of weaving might work with embellishing; that is an idea to come back to. I also saw some examples of felt with what I took to be screen printed images at the weekend and this reminded me of some small pieces I made using print and paint on felt. 

I no longer have any of these pieces but managed to find some photos of them.

 People in one of my groups were keen to try a flat piece of felt last week and I used the little sample I made in the session to print on with one of my thermo fax screens. Might make brooches?

 What else, as if that isn't enough for someone who is supposed to be making packing lists?

 Well if you live near Basingstoke, Hampshire we are planning a workshop on September 24th in Cliddesden Village Hall. It will be ‘Mark Making with Stitch’. Send me an email if you would like more details.


  1. I wish I lived nearby and could attend the workshop. Your tiny weaved pieces are beautiful. I have been meaning to try making some myself, yours are very inspiring!

  2. ooo printing on felt; lovely!

  3. There are some lovely snippets here. I especially like the thermofax printing on felt.

    Those full-sized looms are very intimidating - too much counting and maths for me and the reason I stick to a frame loom when I weave.


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