Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Gelli Prints and Stencils.

I bought myself three stencils from Crafters Workshop to use whilst playing with my gelli prints. I have made my own stencils in the past and always found it hard work, but I don’t really like using other peoples images, even if they are only circles, I would rather I had cut the circles. You Tube is such a good resource, sometimes I can’t stand some ones voice or they dither about too much for me and I quickly pass on, but there are some real nuggets of useful information. I realized after watching one such video that I could use my wood burning tool and plastic file inserts to cut my own stencils. Not as wonderful as the laser cut ones but good enough.

However, these ‘prints’ were made with the purchased stencils and modelling paste, which works nicely.

  I made the collages using ‘Pic Collage’ on the ipad which is a good resource and then I added frames using ‘Snapseed’.

Emma Powell has written an article in the current issue of ‘The Blue Notebook’ titled ‘What is the point of we love your books?’; in it she discusses the symbiotic relationship,fostered by the various exhibitions she and Melanie Bush have organized, between different groups of people making artists’ books, from the international specialist to the student, and including the ‘hobbyist’ of which I think I must be one. Whatever the label I am pleased to be included and to have a picture of my submission to the 2011 Crop exhibition included. ‘The Blue Notebook’ is edited by Sarah Bodman of the University of the West of England and is a journal for artists’ books, here is a link if you would like to know more.

The Sketchbook Challenge theme for May is Bowls so I shall have to get my thinking cap out as I am now part of the SC team, if you want to join us and have not visited before here is the link.


  1. I love what you've done here, stenciled modeling paste over the Gelli prints. I recently bought a ton of new stencils. I made my own at first with a burning tool...but the work was too hard on my hands, back and neck in the long run. I do agree with you, though, about using other people's images...which is why I prefer stencils of shapes and textures.

  2. Hi Jackie, thanks for visiting my blog. I love all your books and textile stuff, I'll be back to trawl through all your past posts over time. I love these prints, I want to do some more printing, this is very inspiring.

  3. Hi Jackie. Don't know why but I've only just discovered these beautiful pieces. I especially like the way the different shapes are overlaid on one another - some great effects.... another technique to investigate when I have the time!

  4. These are amazing, truly!

  5. I came over via the sketchbook challenge and have enjoyed a lovely browse around your blog. Congratulations on being included

  6. Why does the ipad do that! Sorry, it stopped accepting letters in the comment box and I didn't notice! Congratulations on being published in the journal


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