Saturday, May 18, 2013

A little bit of everything (almost).

I posted these images on Flickr but not here. Even more playing with gelli prints, these were made with my own gelatine plate rather than the commercial one and most everything else included.

 Printed on old book pages with stencilling, modelling paste and last but not least some stitching on small embellished pieces. I then made the prints into a sort of fold book.

On Friday I went to Winchester and saw an exhibition called ‘What are You like’ it is based on a Victorian parlour game and forty-five personalities answer the question in a variety of artistic styles, including collage, instagram,paper cutting and much more. Really interesting and with a few laughs too.  As it is a travelling exhibition you may get a chance to see it if you are in the UK, here is a link to more details. I think this idea would be good to use with a group and I am storing it up for future use.
Don't forget to catch up with my post and the rest of the Sketchbook Challenge Team over on the blog, which is all about 'Bowls' this month.


  1. Anonymous3:27 PM

    These are lovely. I really like the way all the different textures work against each other.

  2. Wonderful! The colors and texture makes me want to stare at them all day. Simply amazing. Got my eye on your next posts.

    1. Thank you. Jeane M. I can't find you to comment directly but I appreciate what you have said.

  3. It is fun to create art piece like this where you incorporate various techiniques and mediums. You work really inspired me.


Comments are always much appreciated. Thank you.