Monday, January 28, 2013

Lacy Grids

I thought I would work with the grid like structures within the rabbits scull, it could be called lacy but at the moment I am focusing on the layers and looking through aspect.

I have started by making a collage out of ripped magazine paper and working into it, I also did some charcoal drawing, encouraged by a recent episode from Design Matters, and then worked into that.

I am pleased with the photos I get by using the ipad and the quick way in which the images can be played with and manipulated. I know I can do the same thing on the computer but this is easier and less frustrating. O.K. I just like playing with my new toy.  I like the app called Snapseed and have also discovered Adobe Ideas via a Flickr group. Please let me know of any apps which you are using and I will check them out. I like ‘Ideas’ because you can use layers, work over a photo and then discard it.

 I am sure this will be ‘old hat’ to many of you and gobbledegook to the rest of you. But bear with me while I have fun.
Welcome to new 'followers' whom I  have not been able to get back to.


  1. You have been busy Jackie. I love the lacy effect, also the last collage image is gorgeous, love the colours. Jayne x

  2. Aren't iPads wonderful? There's an app called Decim8 which does the most amazing things to your photos. You might also like some of the apps made by Jixipix. They are quite expensive for apps, but occasionally on special offer, which is when i buy them.

  3. Love the abstract ripped paper collages. Fascinating shapes and colours

  4. I think referring o a skull as lacy is fabulous, what a contrast. Love the last collage. I've written the word 'charcoal' down in my sketchbook, even the word snapseed! The latter is gobbldeegook but I shall work on them both.

    I clicked on your link to Jan '12 & came across the name Dorothy Caldwell - followed her up to find a fabulous world of mark making, thank you.

  5. I like the way you are exploring and keeping an open mind. Interesting ideas.


Comments are always much appreciated. Thank you.