Friday, May 18, 2012

'The Sketchbook Challenge'

Sue Bleiweiss' book linked to The Sketchbook Challenge will be published next month.
The publisher in New York had an event recently to promote  their new craft books and I was asked to send my sketchbook and the piece related to it for the event. I thought it quite funny that my book had winged its way to the USA and then made its way back, only to go Fedexing back to New York. You can see some slides of the event here:

The Sketchbook Challenge started last year and provides a theme each month with the possibility of winning a prize in the monthly draw.There is a link in my side bar and more about Sue's work here:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Hi jackie! thanks for posting about this, I didn't realize they had posted a slide show about it.


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