Saturday, January 21, 2012


Marianne de Wit from the Netherlands was kind enough to comment on some of my work on Flickr. She also asked me about a possible swap. I am not involved in any swap groups at the moment and have no plan to be, but I was pleased to offer her a swap as she had been so pleasant on Flickr.
We both put up photos of items we were prepared to swap and  I chose a piece of lace, as other than being a self taught tatter years ago I have never made lace other than a needlelace bag for a City and Guilds piece years ago.

Marianne was kind enough to include these three pieces of very delicate and intricate lace.
In exchange she chose a really chunky and shaggy felted bag. The main body of the bag being merino wool and the outside wool being some I collected washed etc. from the fields on the cliff tops on the Dingle Peninsula in Ireland. I was told by an experienced spinner that it was poor quality wool, only fit for rugs. But it was special as I gathered it from a special place, near the derelict schoolhouse where the film ‘Ryan’s’ Daughter’ was made.

Here is a link to Moira, a lady who made my day by having enjoyed the STITCHED workshop and producing some really imaginative work. Take a look.


  1. Lovely work you've inspired, glad it made you feel good, you'll do it again, then ;)

  2. Lace making is magical. There's a store and lace museum locally, called Lacis, where I've watched bobbin lace demonstrations. It boggles the mind. And I love the provenance of your wool gathering. I have some wooly "leavings" that I have to find something to do with.


Comments are always much appreciated. Thank you.