Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Don't bin it.

Recently we had a bit of a sort out of our clutter box, you know the place where you put all those odds and ends and then completely forget not only where they are but when you see them what they were for in the first place.
Always be aware of the potential of these oddments for printing. These are some experiments on a sketchbook page first coloured with watercolour paints, but this could just as easily be done on a piece of fabric, perhaps coloured with a ‘thin’ fabric paint and printed with acrylics or fabric paint.
The sort of flower shape is a plastic insert from a jar of peppers; I suppose to stop the liquid inside spilling. This worked best with a stencil brush, although a piece of sponge is usually adequate.I have no idea what these other bits are.

In a paint programme you can use photos of these ‘prints’ to make digital brushes and then have hours of fun playing around with patterns and varied colour combinations.

 If you are not sure how to do this, I’m sure many of you know much more about it that I do, but for the rest do a search on the internet and you will find instructions.You could then take it further by treating your fabric with Ink Aid, or using ready prepared fabric and printing out your ‘designs’.

Endless cheap fun.
For more about Stitched video workshops click below or from the sidebar.
Alma has just announched the first giveaway, a Janome Sewing Machine.

Click here to visit Alma Stoller.


  1. The inside of broken hair dryers are particularly interesting, I find!

    Stitched looks an inspiring collection of things to learn, well done, you.

    Wonderful 'pile of plastic' below - you really do see when you look!

  2. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Ooh great fun these prints, and the stitching will just sing! Marvelous. xox Corrine

  3. Your printing is lovely and colourful, inspirational.

  4. Very interesting! I think I have something I could use...


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