Saturday, August 06, 2011

August Challenge

Still having fun with the Sketchbook Challenge; this month’s theme is Every Day Objects. It is quite difficult drawing in my tiny bathroom but I made an attempt to sketch some of the bottles.

Eventually the two orange flannels turned into two women in burqas rushing across the room. Can you see them?

I printed the background with the top of an old deodorant tin. It works quite well and the side of the cap can be used for a lined effect.
I would like to recommend you take a look at the work of one of my new favourites on Flick ,an artist from Israel Sharon Pazner. Her work appears simple but the images are really fascinating. She uses rust, old nails and wire in her images. I found her via Cathy Cullis’ Mosaic Monday; she usually makes some excellent finds.

Don't forget to look at the Summer Giveaway post.

Blogger has been playing me up something awful today, but I suppose I will forgive and forget,eventually.


  1. like these very vibrant ......x

  2. Excellent drawing I love the two ladies.
    I would never have thought about using an old deodorant can for printing. I wonder what else there is of use in the bathroom?

  3. Your drawings are delightful, I like your style!

  4. Your sketchbook is so brilliant. I love that "simple" style and you have made everyday items so appealing. Really great!

  5. Wonderfully colored sketching, your description of the orange clad women had me laughing ;)I see them perfectly! I have a drawerful of found printing things but not the top of a deo can!

    Off to explore your link. x

  6. This sketch has so much life and personality to it--I really like it.


Comments are always much appreciated. Thank you.