Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I have been away last weekend at the Stroud International Textile Festival. We missed the Open Studios and some of the other events unfortunately due to it being late on in the Festival. There will be a few photos to follow.

 In the meantime here are a some shots of textures from around my studio, or rather the small room with a view which serves as my studio. I should not be like that as having seen, at the weekend, some of the actual  small studio spaces which people work in I am really quite lucky. I am always envious of those studios though; the work always appears to be so focused. Anyway, the point of the photos is that I have been practising with my new lens and I am really pleased so far.

Cathy Cullis kindly included me in last weeks’ Mosaic Monday. If you have not seen her mosaics they are usually interesting, and worth a look, as is her work if you are not aware of it.


  1. All those textures and colours look scrummy! They remind me for some reason of the lovely rusty things that fishermen always seem to have hanging on the sides of their boats.

  2. These are fascinating and very inspirational photos Jackie!


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