Monday, April 18, 2011

Spring Felt

I haven’t made any felt for nearly a year; I don’t quite know why, just too many other distractions I guess. If you would like to look at some amazing felt garments, wonderful colours, shapes and textures I would recommend ‘ Felting Fashion’ by Lizzie Houghton; once again try your local library as I did.

 I wouldn’t dream of trying any of the exotic garments shown, or even the hats, but it is a book which makes one itch to have a go at some basic felt. In the bits and pieces section the author shows some examples of how to make spiky brooches, I sketched some notes about how to add  spikes at a Knitting and Stitching Show once.

 They are quite easy and provide a quick fix if like me you are not up for trying one of the daunting jackets.

 I combined the author’s method with that of Lisa Klakulak's (see links) free machining ideas.


By the way I am finding using Picassa Albums first and then downloading to Blogger to be a much faster and painless option,rather than downloading from my computer to my blog. Probably 'dear reader' you knew this already!

1 comment:

  1. These are extaordinary! I've been inspired by one or two blog buddies to get my needlefelting machine out again (it needs to earn it's keep, too, & might make the felt bg too. But yes, distractions, distrractions; I need to make more hours in the day first! Hope you had a good Easter ;)


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