Saturday, April 02, 2011

Spring colours.

Mostly images today. I had a dyeing session yesterday using thickened Procion MX.

I decided to work out one method which I could try to stick to. I even wrote it all down. Dyeing strikes me as being very much like felt making as far as different peoples’ instructions go; they are all different, each person or book has its own pet suggestions, which are usually given as rules, and in the end, speaking personally, are completely confusing. I tried just to think it through and find my own logic.

I tried soy wax resist and general mark making. I found some syringes I had years ago and used them for some of the lines.

One tip from Ruth Issetts’ book ‘Colour on Cloth’ which is new to me is to place the dyed fabric in a low oven for five minutes, rather than batching it. Obviously not for the waxed material. I like her book and it has some excellent colour advice and exercises. She is also not too prescriptive about her methods, which she simply says have worked for her over the years. Try getting it from the library if you are in the UK; use your local library before it’s taken away.
I like the spring like colours, but I was trying for a more striking purple than the pinky shade.
If you go over to Melanie Testa's blog, see my links, you will find a list of tutorials, including her video one on making foam stamps.

This post has taken a little longer than expected; naively I had always thought of Blogger as absolutely free and marvelled at that, but I know that really there is never such a thing as a free lunch. I tried uploading photos only to be told I had reached my limit. For those of you who haven't got to that stage it doesn't cost much for a year to upload far more storage space than I will need. There is however a delay when you have paid; I was reluctant at first because I had to give my card details,I thought it could be a scam, but I checked through Blogger Help and this is how the system works. Hence a delay.Then even more delay as it took so long to upload each photo- but that was sort of OK as it gave me time to do some more pieces, and take more photos.

I have just signed up for Design Matters TV and the latest episode is about line on fabric. As I particularly like using text it was very timely.
Well a much longer post than expected, in every way. I won't knock blogger though as it has given me hours of fun.


  1. These fabrics are lovely. I like your colour choices and it was interesting to see the development.
    I did not know this about Blogger so thanks for the heads up.

  2. this looks great fun!
    I'm going to track down Ruth Issett's book

  3. I agree looks like fun. Love the drips on the index page! I need to do some dyeing.

  4. Lovely fabrics, Jackie. And yes, dyeing is very much trial and error to get what you want...I've had the same experience(s) with others' instructions.

  5. It looks as if you had a great day. I have some Procion dyes but never used them, you have inspired me to have a go.

  6. I really enjoyed reading this post. Your fabrics came out beautifully!
    I've been thinking over the last few weeks on how to add text to fabrics. I just bought some transfer paper, but writing direct would be much more efficient. Thanks for the links!

  7. i found your blog via flickr and after seeing your writing on cloth i had to say hello. :) writing on cloth is in a staple in surface treatments. are you going back over the cloth shown here?

  8. I had no idea that blogger placed a limit on its users. I know you can only follow a certain amount of blogs but had no idea it made you pay up for using a certain amount of images....

    love your spring colour experiments

  9. Hi! I found you via a comment on Melly's blog. Your fabric is wonderful. I love the clear green color you achieved. I have subscribed to DMTV since the beginning and you are in for a real treat! Every week I am inspired in some way by Laura and Linda. It is an amazing amount of information that they share. Have a wonderful week and I am so glad I found your blog. Cheers.

  10. I love these squigles, lines, designs, and writing on the fabric! so wonderful!
    And you reminded me there is something on blogger about a limit to photos...guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there. :0)take care!

  11. The fabrics are beautiful! Thanks for the design matters link & letting me know about blogger limit!


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