Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Nearly finished, Persian Palaces.

I’ve been doing little bits of stitching each day on the hanging. One day last week I had a burst of energy and decided that I had done enough and it was time to tackle the backing and binding. It went well using 505 spray which is one of my favourite products to attach the layers before adding the binding. For both the binding and the hanging sleeve I referred to a CD which came with one of my copies of ‘thr3fold journal’. on which Linda Kemshall demonstrates how to do these finishes, which it is easy to forget when you don’t do it very often.

I have read Design Matters monthly newsletter regularly for a long time, and have a copy of their book ‘The Painted Quilt’. I haven’t succumbed to their TV show on-line, but that may happen one day. So for their help with this project I will make them both my blog heroes for February.

It is not quite finished yet, a few more stitches needed on the hanging sleeve, and we have agreed some kind of dangles on the bottom edge, what these will be I have yet to decide, washers or beads??

Welcome to people who have recently started to follow the blog, I try to get back to people to say  'hello' but that's not always possible.
      By the way I hope you are not frightened of spiders!


  1. The stitching is beautiful. Thanks for the link to Design matters too - looks really useful.

  2. that spider scared the beegeebers out of me...I thought it was on my monitor screen...lolol - and it suspiciously looks like a black widder...lololol. You are tooo funny!

  3. Love the hanging gorgeous stitching! Your spider actually made me jump!!!

  4. Your wall hanging is looking great, I love the rich colours.

  5. Love the spider (we have some beautiful big ones in our house), love the hanging (fab colour combo and stitching) and that looks like a very nice bedhead as well!

  6. I love spiders and that rich surface

  7. I was thinking I need my glasses changed, looking closely at the photos for the spider everyone else was seeing, then suddenly there he was! ... and the quilt is wonderful

  8. love the gorgeous wallhanging, adore the stitching, the spider? love it, love it love it!

  9. The spider scared the bejayzus out of me! Love the hanging, stunning colors & delicate stitching. Did I say I liked your opposites, too?, circle square,lines spirals - Klimpt in black & white!


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