Friday, January 28, 2011

What do you do with your envelopes? Part Two.

This was just a whim and a distraction, an enjoyable one. I have made a book with old envelopes before, where it is I do not know; perhaps I gave it away, who knows?

 The trigger for this little book came from the work of an Australian book artist Adele Outteridge. There is a good video of her talking about her books made of recycled materials on You Tube.

 I made the covers from an old For Sale board and that idea came from the tutor on my medieval book binding course.

 Ever since then I have been looking out for old boards, imagine my frenzied excitement when I saw one at the recycling centre near our local library.  It was a pity that it was attached to a large post with huge rivets. Would that stop me, no way. I went into the library and asked to borrow scissors, and then set about detaching all of the board that I could manage. They probably thought I was crazy and perhaps they were right! The first job was to get out the baby wipes and give the board a good clean.

Today I went to see the exhibition of Alice Kettle's work in the local museum.It is certainly the most impressive show of her work which I have seen. I particularlylike the way she is now combining textiles with ceramics, and painting. The colourswere very strong, particularly with the winter sunshine streaming through the front windows.

Do something interesting with your envelopes and I will link to your work here.
Lin Artiblobs, see her work here.


  1. I enjoyed making a book from old envelopes too, great fun!
    if you want to see the finished & used book it can be seen on flickr

  2. have recently been doing a major muck out of my studio and have collected many envelopes within, what else(?), the largest one~! love the idea of making a book out of them . . . must investigate further on this.


  3. Thanks for the link Jackie

  4. lol great idea and all those empty pockets to fill now!

  5. Love these books made out of envelopes! After ages of berating all the junk mail envelopes that come my way, it did dawn on that they could be put to good use, instead of just them them straight to recycling. I'm not sure if I'd make a book, but I'll see what else I can cook up! Thanks for the inspiration! Patti

  6. I keep meaning to gather papaers to make a sketch book but end up sitting here pooring over other peoples pictures.... ho hum.... I guess I know what to do!

  7. What a great idea!

  8. What a fantastic looking binding. I need to include some envelopes in my ordinary objects project.


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