Monday, November 15, 2010

What are you doing with your old Envelopes?

I know that people have been saving the varied papers from the insides of envelopes for quite some time and a while back I posted about a photo book I had made from old envelopes.  I still have a large‘collection’ and continue to find them useful.

This is a sketch of the view from my window and one interpreted in ink and stitch using envelope paper.

Ro Bruhn has done some lovely paintings using her old envelopes, take a look at her post for 30th September and she may inspire you. This is one of mine on a journal page with a monoprint in the window made on magazine paper.

'Hens Teeth' on Flickr has done some of my favourite  monoprints using the cellophane windows in envelopes.

Recently I found Carrie Holder's blog; she does some interesting experimental work and this is a link to her blog where she shows some of  her work using envelopes.  I’m sure you have come across loads of different ways of using envelopes on blogs or Flickr. Leave a link in your comments and others can go and have a look.

Here is a link suggested by Jackie the Prepaid Envelope Art Group on Flickr.


  1. Interesting idea. Thanks for sharing it. jan

  2. Just today I received a fabric envelope, some scraps were sewn into cotton + my address written on it - + my first thought was to keep + use it - so, that´s the 1. step done, and paper envelopes might follow...;)

  3. I love old envelopes, I use them for collage and making books mostly, though I have been known to make vessels with them as well. Thanks for dropping by and commenting on my blog and for linking to it. :) I

  4. Lovely. There is a group on flickr called 'Prepaid envelope art' you might find interesting.

  5. These are great--I love your sketching and stitching on them. I've stitched them onto journal pages to create pockets that have see-through windows in them, but I can see I have a lot more experimenting to do now.

  6. I love the textures that the envelope paper adds, it's almost like stylized knitting.

  7. I've used the see thru bit for a square or 2, your work, Ro's & all those lovely links are great, thanks ;)


Comments are always much appreciated. Thank you.