Monday, August 23, 2010


I have been working on my sketches, but I do get carried away. I have been using
some images from my Life Drawing Class to make stamps from ‘fun foam’. It nice and easy to cut and gives plenty of scope to play around with the shapes.

 I have used an ink pad, gouache, printing ink and acrylic. Acrylic has the advantage as you can put a wash over it easily. The ink pads are very tempting as they are so easy to use, but as I only have one colour this limits me. I have plenty of paint so I should stick to that.

 For lots of information about stamp making you can look at Melanie Testa’s blog and a video by Diana Trout  on You Tube

An issue you may like to remark on, I have a new Stats Counter now. It’s always fun to look where readers come from. One of the categories that can be tracked is the material which readers download. I was surprised to find how often this happens, I have never thought to download from a blog but I have done so lots from Flickr; especially when ‘gathering’ images for a project to show people with whom I work. I must admit to not having always thanked people, although I do try to do so. I am pleased readers like my images enough to want to keep them, and they are there for anyone, however, my point is that I now notice that readers regularly come along, download an image and never even comment. Thank You is recognisable in most languages I think. Moan over. The good news is that Blogger is now making an attempt to stop and track spam, which has become more of a problem recently.

Definitely my last post for a while, so don’t forget to sign up for the Summer Giveaway on the August 9th post before I draw in early September.


  1. these stamps are cool .....interestingly i was in touch with another blogger whose son does graffiti in Brighton ....going back there tomorrow been out of blogland for a while so I am catching up with interesting things everyone's been doing ......x

  2. have seen the fun foam product and may even have some tucked away but have yet to use it . . .

    your stamps certainly are stirring up my creativity and now must go and take a peek around to see where i may have stashed it . . .


  3. You can track how many people download your photos??????? Wow. THAT would be interesing to know. jan

  4. These are lovely designs. They have a 60s feel to them.

  5. I love your prints and that foam sounds much easier than lino cutting - I like the textured effect too.


Comments are always much appreciated. Thank you.