Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I am really pleased this year to have my book accepted for the’ We Love Your Books Exhibition’; this is especially so as my book on the closure of Woolworths theme last year was not selected. I felt quite daunted having another go this year, but it made it more special to be selected.

You can go to the website to find the books which will be in the exhibition and the full range of sketchbook spreads which will also be in the catalogue. Each year the organizers,Melaini Bush  and Dr Emma Powell lecturers from the University of Northampton and De Montfort University, ask for an additional element to the artists’ book and this year it was a photo of a landscape sketchbook spread.

The theme is E-motive and I worked on the idea of the colours linked with emotions. I used a series of collagraph prints printed onto cotton with the help of ink aid. I used an actual embossed ie colourless collagraph for the final spread.I made the prints on a Sunday printing course at City Lit. in London. As I now had the prints on fabric I could add some stitching.

It’s unlikely that I will get to the final exhibition but if you live in the area here are the details.

It’s worth having a look at the photos on Flickr as some of the books are really fascinating.

Great Linford Arts Workshop, Parklands, Great Linford, Milton Keynes MK14 5D2

from 28th Aug – 25th Sept, with a preview on Thursday 26th August from 6-9pm.



  1. well done. I am glad you tired again. It can be hard to keep sending things off but you should. You work is developing all the time and its so interesting to see. I am thinking of making a little cloth book but I havent found the right words yet.

  2. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Hellooo Jackie: like your blog and art alot. came by way of Chris Gray Textile Art blog. I will come by often. thank you for sharing your technique(s), I love and appreciate blog tutorials, they give me a "just try it" attitude/incentive : )
    Blessings, Sandra in AZ USA

  3. Congratulations! MK is only just up the road from me,so I hope I can get to see the exhibition - I like the look of the submissions on flickr.

  4. Love the energy of your pages and the way you included those bright threads in the photos.

  5. That is too cool! Congratulations. jan


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