Wednesday, January 20, 2010


The topic for this week was ‘Plain weave card, paper and mixed media with stitch’, for some reason I never really get on with weaving strips of fabric and I struggled a bit with the class. For the first time I got to use a heat press which was daunting at first but really is just like a huge iron and fuses the plastic layers together. I used it on the second sample which has a background of a frozen chip bag and some strips of metallic pill wrappers. When the samples were finished and framed in my sketchbook I learned to love them.

We also used the cording foot, which was good as I have had one for years and seldom used it; the yellow and orange wool are applied with it.
This week has been good, as I was back to work on Monday and also started a Life Drawing Class. I was so pleased that it started as the tutor didn’t have enough people last term. If I had not done the access course I would never have had the confidence to have a go. I also taught two people how to make felt, a successful and enjoyable session in which they made a piece of nuno felt and a piece with additions of ribbon. So that is the good news, but as I write the field opposite is white with snow once more!


  1. These are interesting. The top one says Italy to me, it's the colours. Good luck with the drawing class.

  2. Hello, just came across you thru Heloise & before her a multitude of lovely words & images! The beautiful work & generous info on your blog will keep me enthralled for a long time - imagine being able to do a course with Louise Baldwin :) Thank you for sharing your work.

  3. Love your header photo Jackie
    Happy weekend
    Carolyn ♥


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