Thursday, September 03, 2009

On-line Embroidery Exhibition


One of my former tutors Val Campbell-Harding used to say that the back of a piece of work was often more interesting than the front; she was right more times than she was wrong. To see the online exhibition you can click on the side bar link.


  1. I think that alot too. I think the back of my work is just as important as the front which is why I hardly ever frame things. I think i should start farming things in those double sided sandwich frames...

    Great online exhib, I really like the quality of all the work, some fantastic ideas.


  2. I love your piece above. Is that the back or the front, it is gorgeous either way! I am just off to follow your link to the online exhibition ...

    Carolyn ♥

  3. I am so glad I visited the online exhibition. There is some fabulous work by very talented textile artists and embroiderers. I shall recommend it to others by linking to your blog on my next post if that is ok

    Carolyn ♥

  4. Hi Jackie - I blogged today with a link to your blog and the exhibition link. Hope you get some traffic. I am sure everyone will enjoy the exhibiton. I thought it was wonderful!

    Carolyn ♥

  5. Hi Jackie,

    I came across your blog thru some link. You are very creative. Your works are wonderful.

    Like you, I am also interested in embroidery and drawing.

    This is my blog:


Comments are always much appreciated. Thank you.