Sunday, July 19, 2009

Dynamic Drawing

This may or may not be dynamic but it was the first group exercise on my drawing workshop of that name which took place at Morley College yesterday. We all moved around the table using either charcoal or pencil drawing the person infront of us on the same piece of paper - difficult to explain, it reminded me of moving on in county dancing. There were many similar exercises. I am not sure I really enjoyed the day, could have been my mood. It was a different approach which I am very open to but there was more talk than practise.
'Art in Action' on Friday was v. wet and muddy, probably like being at Glastonbury but we were lucky enough not to be camping and came home to much needed fish and chips. I particularly admired the drawings of Julia Polonski who uses muslin and texture over her drawings and for the second year the stitch marks of Roanna Wells.


  1. I am not sure i understand that exercise! results do look quite dynamic. I really enjoyed Roannas work aswell. Far too talented for her own good!

  2. Hi Jackie, I just wanted to let you know I have awarded you a blog award! Check out my blog for the image and stuff. x


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