Friday, January 23, 2009

Fabric Printing

On this really interesting and varied blog there is a tutorial for making a home made stamp pad. The idea is that it is easier when printing small items such as buttons to use a stamp pad. I thought I would have a go but ended up making quite a large lino cut. This is where the inspiration came from.
I used quite a lot of fabric paint so Iwent on to use a few other stamps, some carved out of a soft block material, some from erasers and a couple of proper print blocks.

I painted the top piece with Jacquard Dye-na-flow. Well ,it kept me busy for a few hours; I will show you what happened to the other pieces in my next post. By the way, I sometimes try to get back to people who have posted comments and find that I cannot access their blogs - so I would like to say here that I do very much appreciate your kind comments.


  1. Thansk for that link. Thats a good idea for getting the colour you want rather athn having to buy ink pads which just dry up!

  2. What a cool link, I'll have to try this over the weekend. Your work is great, and I especially love that you provided the inspiration photo for it. That in itself is inspiring! Keep up the good work :)

  3. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Hi Jackie,
    you might notice a little more traffic as I plan to recommend your blog to my fiberspeak group.
    I have some blocks with which to carve my own stamps and it is something I've wanted to do for a long while. I also appreciate very much your gallery of "most interesting photos" So much to study and learn here. Thank You
    Nina in Canada


Comments are always much appreciated. Thank you.