Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fabric Printing 2

I went on to colour the other pieces with fabric paint. I made two into hearts for Valentines Day on Etsy.
Another of the pieces I made into a birthday card for one of my sons who had reminded me that he had bought me the printing blocks, so long ago that I had forgotten where they came from.
My sons share the same birthday and this year they got home made cards.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Fabric Printing

On this really interesting and varied blog there is a tutorial for making a home made stamp pad. The idea is that it is easier when printing small items such as buttons to use a stamp pad. I thought I would have a go but ended up making quite a large lino cut. This is where the inspiration came from.
I used quite a lot of fabric paint so Iwent on to use a few other stamps, some carved out of a soft block material, some from erasers and a couple of proper print blocks.

I painted the top piece with Jacquard Dye-na-flow. Well ,it kept me busy for a few hours; I will show you what happened to the other pieces in my next post. By the way, I sometimes try to get back to people who have posted comments and find that I cannot access their blogs - so I would like to say here that I do very much appreciate your kind comments.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Hand dyed Heaven

Check out this beautiful treasury ,which can be viewed until Saturday on Etsy.

Many thanks to The Rainbow Girl for choosing one of my pieces to feature.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


There are a number of reasons for this post, firstly the frosty, icy weather in England over the last week. The fields surrounding went for at least two days without thawing and turned into a fairy landscape. Secondly, the frost reminded me of one of the final pieces I did for my City and Guilds assessment, which has languished in a box for years. If you click on the picture above you can look down into the piece and see more of the detail.
Thirdly I don’t post much about stitch these days as I get distracted by my varied interests since the Access Course; I felt I should fulfil the title of the blog. Another reason is that although these photographs are not great I didn’t take any close up pictures at the time.
The edging is an interesting stitch called Cinq point de Venise. Lynne Horniblow wrote a master class on it in The World of Embroidery Magazine in 2000 (Vol51 No2.)

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Texture challenge.

Created for the textures for layers challenge on Flickr This is my first attempt at entering one of the challenges based on the tutorials provided by the group. Like any first try I like it and can't see most of the faults yet!
I think one could spend hours playing with photographs in this way, and I probably shall do.
The flower photo is provided and you then choose a texture from the group pool. The muslin texture is one I scanned in myself.

Thursday, January 01, 2009


Made today in response to a request for a kilt pin. I had the pins for sometime but had never got round to thinking through how to attach the felt balls. I made small beaded loops which seems to work well and be secure.

This one is silver coloured and included in one of the wire beads are two pieces of polished amber 'made' at a workshop at The Downland and Weld Museum,many moons ago.

Best wishes for a happy 2009.