Monday, November 24, 2008


I fancied doing some stitching for a change and I have decided to use a picture of a window, part of a ruin next to the house which we stayed in during our holiday in Crete in October. I have tried various ways to transfer the image using transparency print offs and have decided that the most appropriate method is to inkjet print onto Bubble Jet soaked calico.

To get a textured surface I am starting with strips of silk carrier rods which I soaked in some diluted Walnut Ink; as you see there was quite a purple tinge but enough pieces to get the kind of effect I visualize.

Sorted out some threads for the first stage. I started with machining round the window shape and fastening the pieces of silk in place on the calico backing.
Now I have made a start on the hand stitching which is going to take a long time but as I said it will be a pleasant change to do some stitching.


  1. This is an interesting project! I find the neutral colours very appealing. I started myself a new work today which has similarities -it´s rows of windows though, inspired by a magazine photo of a tenement...

  2. It´s looks great! I also use bubble set jet, I think it´s very good to do handstitching at!

  3. I have been thinking of trying image transfers but have never had much success in the past. Yours looks good.

  4. Just discovered your work. I'm loving it. I have added you to my links at my blog. :-)

  5. oh wow, this is just gorgeous. it reminds me of a lovely book i used to have which i cut up and sitched into to make a different book. now i'm thinking... oooops, wish i still had it whole. :)

  6. the way you've used the silk around the window is a lovely effect

  7. Just wanted to say that I recently discovered your blog, and am having a wonderful time looking at all of your gorgeous work. You are an inspiration - thank you!

  8. Hi Jackie,

    Linkedwithin widget doing it's job, I just found this. Amazing! I lthe results are enchanting!

    This is a technique that I am interested to know more about. What is needed? It would be great if you could pass by my blog sometime and explain in more detail, or maybe send me an email:

    If it's not too much trouble :) Thank you so much for posting this.


Comments are always much appreciated. Thank you.