Monday, October 06, 2008

Nuno scarf

When I made the felt balls I also made a nuno felt scarf. I used a piece of muslin which I had previously dyed with procion as the base. I think it worked quite well but the difficulty was in having enough space to make it long enough, so it really is quite short, but as its not meant to be a winter muffler I think it is fine.

Merino tops being arranged on the muslin.Fibres being rubbed through a piece of net, using soap flakes and warm water.Rolling the felt between bubble wrap using a bamboo mat.Throwing the soapy parcel of felt on to a ridged surface; a CD holder from a charity shop.A good tip I found is to add extra wool along the edges to keep the shape. It takes a bit of time to get the wool to adher to the edges but works OK in the end.


  1. Suc a lovely blend of colours. Beautiful.

  2. I love the colours. I am so envious of people who can dye things and get the colour they want. Mine always ends up really pale. The last photo looks almost velvety.

  3. Anonymous4:16 PM

    WOW! I love your use of textures in the fabric work and in your photography as well!! I am stopping in to say 'hello' as you asked. Hope you will visit my blog and see how I like to write of people that I discover out and about in the world.
    Martie Mollenhauer

  4. oh my goodness, this takes me back to my city & guilds!!!! Lovely!


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