Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tribal Messages

On a programme we have in the UK called University Challenge there was a question last night about signs and symbols and I got them all right being more aware of them at the moment; they included the sign for ‘compostable’ and the one for ‘antivivisection’. Do you know what they are? Here are two of the pages for my artists’ book.

This page is worked on a piece of cotton which I dyed with Potassium Permanganate and discharged with lemon juice. Over it I have stitched signs for ‘corrosive materials’ and ‘biohazard’. I have made some paper and also dyed the pulp in the same way, adding bits of bay leaf to give some texture.
This page is stitched onto handmade paper and is overlaid with a piece of organza on which I managed to print. I tried various ways of doing this and settled on spraying a piece of card with 505 spray and attaching the material. I printed out the messages in the same way.


  1. Cool images Jackie, & very appropriate for Earth Day (which I think is today!).

  2. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Hi Jackie

    I just made a treasury on Etsy and you are in it - it's here:

    I'm always doing them for the street teams I'm in and I thought I haven't done any for all the people from blogs etc who I have known for years and years... so I did!

  3. Very cool I really like your pieces. Potassium permagnate is quite toxic I'm suprised your willing to work with it!


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