Tuesday, February 05, 2008


One of the ideas I had for the Space project was to work on the idea of a circle, a shape ‘which separates the space it surrounds from the space surrounding it’. I took some photos of round objects and played around with printing from bottle caps and lids for a while but that’s as far as I got. I can recommend Koh-I-Nor water based dyes which are brilliant colours and work well on paper when discharged with bleach. I have also sprinkled salt in places. In the UK I got a small palette of them from Art Van Go.

I used discharge paste to try to replicate the result on procion dyed fabric.

I have also been playing around with the settings on my camera which I have not used before; Sepia, Vivid Colours and trying to get less depth of field. As you can see this is a cotton reel which I used in my printing and discharging experiments.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:45 PM

    The top piece is very organic and pleasing, all are lovely, but that one grabs me.


Comments are always much appreciated. Thank you.