Monday, November 12, 2007


Last week we had the chance of short workshops in the 3DD department. Unfortunately I forgot my camera so you have no chance of seeing me gathering glass from the furnace or trying to shape the blob produced. It was incredibly hot and a bit frightening really. Ceramics was more manageable and in a few weeks time we will get the fired clay back and see what colours the slip decoration actually produces.
On Friday afternoon we worked on flat steel and wire to make a self portrait! So there I was hammering away at the forge, and only noticed how much my shoulder ached when I got home. The ear protectors, gloves and goggles made it so different from my usual crafting environment. I think I prefer a needle and the sewing machine, but all in all new experiences I would not have missed.
If you go over to Saras blog you can read an interview with me which she has featured this week and lots of interesting items related to texture.

1 comment:

  1. Love what you've created, your textiles are fabulous


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