Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Harvest time.

This weekend was sunny and quite hot, and the fields around here have been harvested. This is the view from my front garden which looks up at the field opposite, every few years there is a crop there and it is quite a sight to see how quickly it is harvested and tidied into round bails.

Can you spot the man with the gun shooting the poor rabbits as they scuttle out seeking safety?
This is small pouch I made earlier this year inspired by the view and practising with Transfer Paints.
If you pop over to Flickr you can see my attempt at practising both my drawing and computer skills on“The Art of Anatomy”. This is an interesting group on Flickr and have a look at Crunchcandy to see a contemporary slant on embroidery.


  1. Anonymous2:24 PM

    I love the perspective of the haybale picture (thankfully, I can't see the rabbit shooter)! I've been fascinated by the hay bales in my country neighborhood, but I've never gotten this close to one.

    I love the textures you create in your work and I look forward to having time to look at the Flickr groups you mentioned.

  2. What a lovely view to look out on.
    The pouch is lovely:-)
    Take care,
    Alison x


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