Monday, June 04, 2007

Fabric covered bowl

I’m still trying to work out the best ways of monoprinting on cotton but in the meantime for a break I made this bowl as one of my sons wanted a ‘house’, or I should say, room warming present. I had just enough hemp rope left to finish it off with one join. It was also a chance to use up some paper beads. I am experimenting with trying to set up a home made light box to take better pictures, so the two aims sort of came together. I haven’t quite cracked improving the photos yet; if only I could stick to one aim it would surely help.


  1. Great bowl. The paper beads look terrific dangling down the sides.

  2. This is fantastic. Could you tell me how they are done or direct me to a book/website for instructions.

  3. This bowl is great, I love the colours.

  4. This is fabulous, it looks great, your son will be thrilled

  5. Gorgeous! I found your blog and I only can say:: I will visit again!!
    Greetings Barbara

  6. How lovely!
    Alison x


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