There are a number of reasons for this post, firstly the frosty, icy weather in England over the last week. The fields surrounding went for at least two days without thawing and turned into a fairy landscape. Secondly, the frost reminded me of one of the final pieces I did for my City and Guilds assessment, which has languished in a box for years. If you click on the picture above you can look down into the piece and see more of the detail.
Thirdly I don’t post much about stitch these days as I get distracted by my varied interests since the Access Course; I felt I should fulfil the title of the blog. Another reason is that although these photographs are not great I didn’t take any close up pictures at the time.
The edging is an interesting stitch called Cinq point de Venise. Lynne Horniblow wrote a master class on it in The World of Embroidery Magazine in 2000 (Vol51 No2.)